In addition to financial contributions, employers, employee groups, organizations and individuals can provide in-kind services and/or volunteer to work with one of our umbrella charities or units in the Cleveland PD on a special event or program.

Boxing trainee Jonah Boyles shows his style in the Estabrook Recreation Center’s donated boxing ring.
For example, employees from a local corporation are working with our Cops For Kids program with making the holidays a little brighter for a few families who have fallen on hard times. Others are serving as collection stations for donations for the Cleveland Police Children’s Holiday Party and providing volunteers and funding for one of the Cleveland Police Kids Fishing Day outings.
Volunteer and Team Building Opportunities
Contact us at 216-623-3333 or via email to learn more about current volunteer opportunities and to find out how you can help!
Spotlight on Progressive
Employees at Progressive Insurance Extend Good Karma
In December 2014 employees of the Creative Business Operations Team at Progressive Insurance in partnership with the Cleveland Police Foundation and the Cleveland Cops For Kids program brightened Christmas for a family in need. Read more…
Greater Clevelanders are known for their generosity. Our region is blessed with caring individuals, businesses and organizations that give back to the community. Good citizenship doesn’t stop with voting, obeying the law, and paying taxes; community service is also part of it.

Members of the Davis family pose with PO Anna Mercado and Sgt. Tim Higgins. L to R: Daeshauna, Age 7; Deangelo, Age 9; Tyshawn, Age 8; and Antwjuan, Age 11.
This year, Progressive’s Creative Business Operations Group decided to partner with the Cleveland Police Foundation and one of its umbrella charities, the “Cops For Kids Program” in making the holidays a little brighter for a 11-year old young man, his two younger brothers & sister, and mother.
Working with Sgt. Tim Higgins, manager Jan Grega passed on to fellow employees a few suggestions as to what was thought to be needed by the family. Things took off from there, with Brenda Henley and Karen Leaphart leading the charge. Members of the group donated new toys, clothing, money, sporting goods, and their good karma. Jan Grega stated, “This was definitely a team effort and everyone enjoyed shopping, wrapping gifts and watching the piles of gifts grow.”

Tyshawn Davis, age 8, and his sister Daeshauna Davis, age 7, were pleasantly surprised when they arrived home from school and discovered the gifts provided by the team at Progressive Insurance’s Creative Business Operations Group in partnership with the Cleveland Police Foundation and Cops For Kids Program.
Gift delivery day was Friday, December 20, 2013 and started with pick-up at the Creative Business Operations Group offices. Sgt. Higgins explained to those assembled the reason this family was designated for “adoption” and expressed appreciation to everyone for their efforts. He was taken somewhat aback when the employees applauded and thanked him for allowing them to get involved in the project. A pallet full of wrapped gifts was
then loaded into the police van and it was off to the house for the “gift-drop” before the kids got home from school.
Brenda Henley, Mark Dreimiller and Brian Dubasik of Progressive accompanied the officers to the house, and after meeting the mother; joined the assembly line in delivering the goods to the upstairs apartment. The hard part was done.
PO Anna Mercado picked-up the kids at school in her police car, and so not to arouse suspicion explained that she was in the neighborhood, and because it was raining, would drive the kids home. Sgt. Higgins went shopping for groceries and a warm early-Christmas dinner with the cash that remained from the Progressive employees’ donations, and timed his arrival after the kids got home.

Members of Progressive Insurance’s Creative Business Operations Group partnered with the Cleveland Division of Police Bureau of Community Policing to make for a special Christmas for a family in need. (L to R): Steve Warshaw, Tim Higgins, Rich Ubienski, Brian Dubasik, Ed Schulte, Mark Dreimiller, Brenda Henley and Anna Mercado.
Can you imagine their reaction when the kids came into the apartment and saw the mountain of gifts waiting for them in the living room? We wish everyone could have witnessed that, especially those at Progressive who made it all possible. The kids and mom expressed their thanks to the police officers present, one youngster passed along a hearty “Thanks Progressive Auto Insurance!” testimony that they may watch a little TV.
The generosity of the members of the Creative Business Operations Group of Progressive Insurance made for a very special Christmas for a family in need. We commend and thank them for their community service!
Editor’s Note: Although this act of kindness was done with no expectation of being publicized, we thank Progressive Insurance for allowing us tell this story. We invite other businesses, organizations or individuals who may be looking for ways to get involved in similar community outreach activities to contact us at 216-623-3333 or