Winter driving can be treacherous and stressful. Snow, ice, freezing rain and sub-zero temperatures all combine to make driving in the winter dangerous and, potentially, life threatening. The good news is that there are steps people can take to protect themselves when behind the wheel in winter. Here are a few safety tips to help you lessen the chances of having an accident or getting stuck in frigid conditions.
* Check weather and road conditions frequently.
* Use your G.P.S. when necessary.
* Keep a survival kit in your vehicle.
* Travel with a charged cell phone and keep emergency numbers within reach.
* Clear all snow and ice from your car.
* Keep an assured clear distance from snow plows.
* Always allow extra time to get where you are going.
* Dress in layers and wear comfortable clothes.
* Keep your gas tank full.
* Never use cruise control on slippery roads.
* Learn how to use your car’s anti-lock braking system and four wheel drive.
* Make s
ure your tires are in good condition.

By following these tips you can keep you and your car safe while driving in the winter.