In keeping with the long standing tradition of Cleveland Police Officers helping those less fortunate during the holiday season, the Cleveland Police Athletic League hosted it’s 6th Annual Cleveland Police/ Children’s Holiday Party held at Cleveland Public Hall. Over 1000 children from all over the city attended this very special event and received some very nice gifts, participated in some fun games, and got to sit on Santa’s lap. A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers,officers, and a very special thanks to P.A.L. Director Retired C.P.D. Sergeant Bob Kumazec. Bob is the man responsible for getting this party together every year and kind of said it all when asked about it’s success when he stated ” This party is a great opportunity for our officers to share the spirit of the holidays and help give some of the community’s children a memory they will forever cherish “. The Cleveland Police Foundation was happy to be one of the sponsors of the event and would like to also thank our own Captain Keith Sulzer for his participation and for arranging donations for the party. See you all next year! (Bob Guttu C.P.F.)

Officer Paul Fronckowiak and his K-9 partner Benny