First Annual Safety Force vs. Community Football Game
On Saturday, October 22, 2016 the first annual Safety Force vs. Community Flag Football Game was held at the Collinwood Athletic Football Complex. On hand and ready to play were young adults representing Wards 8,9, and 10, and playing for the Safety Forces were an anxious group of officers from the Cleveland Division of Police, and a Cleveland Fireman. The temperatures were quite chilly and the wind was blowing strong out of the west as both teams did quite well considering that neither team had played together at all. It was a hard fought, but clean game with the community team coming out on top at the end 20-18. It was a pleasure to see these young adults get together in a competitive sport all while showing mutual respect for each other and displaying good sportsmanship. Both teams have promised that this will be a yearly event and will be yet another building block in the pursuit of improving police-community relations in the City of Cleveland. Bob Guttu (CPF)