The Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to recognize Officers Andreaa Renshaw, Angelia Gaston, Daniel Angelo, Michael Phelps, Davonte Congress, Aarius Waters, and Captain Tim Maffo-Judd as our March 2023 Police Officers of the Month.

Top row: Officer Angelia Gaston, Captain Tim Maffo-Judd, Officers Daniel Angelo and Davonte Congress Bottom row: Officers Aarius Waters and Andreaa Renshaw (Officer Michael Phelps was off with an injury)
Last November, a family in the Fifth District faced devastation when their house and motor vehicle were destroyed by a fire. With the holidays fast approaching, the situation seemed even more dire. Officer Andreaa Renshaw discussed the situation with fellow officers, and Officer Angelia Gaston, though on light duty, quickly sprang into action. She reached out to no less than six community organizations and Fifth District Captain Tim Maffo-Judd to obtain further assistance.
Within days, Officers Daniel Angelo, Michael Phelps, Davonte Congress, and Aarius Waters joined the effort. They assisted with food, furnishings, miscellaneous supplies, and raised approximately $5,000 for the appreciative family. Fifth District Administrative Lieutenant Marcus Montanaro praised their actions, stating, “These officers continued to check on the family periodically and provided food, services, and presents throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. This may seem like a lot, however, upon speaking to the officers, the only regret was that they wished they could have done more.”
He continued, “The Cleveland Police 5th District Officers did not need to be instructed on what to do as they were driven by genuine compassion. They handled the situation in a manner that reflects the true qualities and values of our Cleveland Police Department.” It is because of their compassion for a family in need that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud and honored to name Officers Andreaa Renshaw, Angelia Gaston, Daniel Angelo, Michael Phelps, Davonte Congress, Aarius Waters, and Captain Tim Maffo-Judd our Police Officers of the Month for March 2023.
– Bob Guttu, CPF
(Nominated by Lt. Marcus Montanaro)
More about the Police Officer of the Month Program . . .