Cleveland Police Foundation supports this significant program as part of its commitment to the Cleveland Division of Police during a time when gun violence is in the news

A display of some of the weapons turned in at the 2017 Buyback.
The Cleveland Police Foundation (CPF) has announced its annual Public Safety Gun Buy Back Program Fundraising Campaign. This is an important and even critical initiative that protects our citizens and police officers, according to Dick Clough, Cleveland Police Foundation board president.
The Cleveland Police Foundation raises the money, and the Cleveland Division of Police collects, inspects, and prepares firearms for eventual disposal; typically at a local steel plant to be recycled into new steel. The firearms are exchanged for gift cards purchased from or donated by local companies and individuals. This program continues to make Cleveland a safer city. To date, the Gun Buy Back program has removed over 3,300 operable firearms from Cleveland’s neighborhoods. The goal for this campaign is $15,000 and 150 firearms.
There are several ways to support the Gun Buy Back Program. The CPF welcomes the donation of gift cards or cash. Currently, the CPF is looking for a naming sponsor for this important initiative. Details about this sponsorship are available from the Cleveland Police Foundation.
“The Division of Police fully supports the Cleveland Police Foundation’s effort to remove guns from our streets that may end up in the wrong hands, said Cleveland Police Chief Dornat Drummond,“This endeavor coincides with our mission to make Cleveland a safer city in which to live and work.”
More information about this program can be found here or by contacting Cleveland Police Foundation Executive Director Kathy Heigle at 216-623-3333 or Please note that the Cleveland Police Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with both the IRS and the State of Ohio, so your donation is tax-deductible.
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