The Linda Mae with everyone aboard
On August 11, 2016 the fifth and final Cops For Kids Fishing Outing was held at Wildwood Park and much like the previous four the weather was clear and very warm, and the lake was calm. This time it was the Fifth District Officers turn to fish with kids from the Collinwood, and Glenville Recreation Centers, and after receiving t-shirts and a briefing on safety they began boarding the Linda Mae, and Express fishing boats. The boats headed out of the marina and the plan was to fish in about 45 foot of water where fish had been caught the day before. After about 3 hours both groups returned to the dock with an overall total of 40 yellow perch which were divided by both groups of kids. After exiting the boat all the participants were treated to a shore lunch provided by The Cleveland Police Foundation and when completed they had the opportunity to visit, and speak with officers from the K-9, Motorcycle, and Mounted Units. Everyone was then gathered for a group picture after which Commander Dennis Hill thanked everyone for participating, and also thanked The Cleveland Police Foundation for sponsoring the event. The kids then boarded the vans and headed for their individual recreation centers all knowing they were invited to come back next year. As stated earlier this completed yet another year of Cops and Kids not only fishing together but forming a bond and enjoying each others company. I would like to thank all the officers from each district, and specialized units that volunteered their time and insured that these kids would remember these fishing trips for a long time to come. It was encouraging to see the interaction between the officers and the kids, and I guess long time Fifth District resident Shirley Frohlich who came by to visit said it best when she stated ” The Cleveland Police Department Officers should be commended for spending time with these kids and showing them that they are human beings just like them”. I couldn’t have said it any better than that Shirley, and I will see you all next year…..Bob Guttu (CPF)