Members of both teams gather at the 50 yard line for the National Anthem
On Saturday, October 21, 2017 the Second Annual Cleveland Police 5th District/ Community Football Game was held at the Collinwood High School Football Complex. These two competitive teams consisted of officers from the Cleveland Division of Police and young adults from the 5th District Community. After a brief warm up session members from both teams gathered at the 50 yard line, interlocked arms as a group, and stood for the National Anthem.
The game was very competitive but cleanly played. Even though the small group of police had to play both offense and defense, they won 20-6! Upon completion both groups were treated to a lunch of hot dogs cooked by the Five Points Community Center. All agreed that the real winners were the Fifth District Community because of the respect and good sportsmanship shown by both groups. When asked about the importance of an event like this Sgt. Tim Maffo-Judd stated, “This type of an event is important because it is a small but needed incentive to once again get the police and citizens to engage as one and promote Community Policing.” Submitted by Bob Guttu – CPF