The Foundation seeks support for unfunded initiatives that support police officer wellness and mental health.
Cleveland, OH (February 28, 2024)—The Cleveland Police Foundation (CPF), an independent group established to be the official fundraising arm of the Cleveland Division of Police, announces its support of the Cleveland Division of Police’s unfunded Mindfulness Program, a linchpin in a comprehensive approach to the mental health and wellness of police officers, according to Dick Clough, CPF president.
“Our goal is to create trust-building initiatives that nurture mutual understanding and a sense of partnership between law enforcement and citizens both young and old,” says Clough. “The Mindfulness Program is particularly impressive because of the positive effect on mental health and wellness that have a bearing on the work police officers perform in the communities they serve.”
For more than two years, Buckeye Business Products has been a major donor in support of the Mindfulness Program. Bill Dillingham is a principal in the company and a member of the CFP Board. He says, “My company is proud to support this important program. It focuses on police officer mental health and wellness and has produced outstanding results. Buckeye Products appreciates the work that our police officers do and want to help where we can.”
Bob Guttu, CPF Community Partnership Coordinator, provides some detail about the Mindfulness Program: “The Cleveland Police Foundation is indeed honored to team up with the Cleveland Division of Police Employees Assistance Unit on their very successful Mindfulness Program. This training helps our officers deal with the everyday stress they encounter both on and off the job through meditation, yoga and equine therapy.

“Police officers sometimes risk their lives on the job and face traumatic situations like violent crimes, shootings, and death. These instances can affect the officers psychologically and cause a shorter life span. In a recent meeting with the EAU officers, Detective Chris Gibbons told me we have conducted training for almost every academy class since 2018 and have trained at least 600 officers.
“Through the leadership and direction of Board Chair Dick Clough the Cleveland Police Foundation has secured The Foundry in the flats for a total of four Mindfulness workshops so this program can continue. It is our goal to assist in every way we can to reduce burnout on the job and allow our officers to live longer and healthier.”
Guttu pointed out how equine therapy works: As prey animals, horses are experts at reading and reacting to body language, and other nonverbal cues and energy. In one exercise the officers approach the horse with their mind, breathing and energy unchecked, which is usually seen with younger officers who haven’t been on the job very long. The horse, being very responsive to people and their energy, will usually turn away. With breathing techniques and by being calm the officer can change the horse’s response and this technique can have a calming effect on a person the police officer might encounter.
A second exercise involves leading a horse through an obstacle without touching it. This is much harder to accomplish. It teaches officers to work as a team, but also to be flexible and willing to change their approach, which in turn helps them to have the ability to calm someone down on a call for assistance.
“We have accomplished a lot during the past two years,” Clough stated. “We have made major strides with Fishing with Cops, Police Athletic League sports as well as police and family wellness. Our monthly Police of the Month Program puts a spotlight on our men and women in blue who are making a difference in our community. We want businesses, foundations, and Clevelanders to join us as we support the many unfunded initiatives and needs that police officers have, and the Cleveland Police Foundation can underwrite. What we can accomplish depends on the generosity of our community.”
The Cleveland Police Foundation is a recognized 501 (c) (3) and all contributions are tax deductible. Only 10% of each contributed dollar is spent on administration.
“Businesses and individuals should visit our website to make a donation. There you can see how we support the Cleveland Division of Police,” Clough concluded.
For donation information, visit www.clevelandpolicefoundation.org/annualfund or go to the Donate link on the home page. You may mail donations to: Cleveland Police Foundation, 2301 Payne Avenue, Suite 201, Cleveland OH 44114.
For more information, call 216-409-3333 or write info@clevelandpolicefoundation.org.
The Cleveland Police Foundation is the official charity for the Cleveland Division of Police and the only organization authorized to solicit charitable contributions on its behalf.
We provide funding for youth and community outreach programs, community policing and engagement initiatives, safety & crime prevention programs, and support the members of the Cleveland Division of Police to help them better perform their duties. Contributions to the CPF are tax deductible under section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS Code.
Thank you for supporting the mission of the CPF.