The Mounted Unit’s appeal transcends all ages, races, and economic levels…

The urban landscape forms a backdrop to the horses’ home

Birds chirp happily as Pita the friendly Mastiff greets you at the Cleveland Police Mounted Unit Stables. Sergeant Mark Medwid grooms a horse in preparation of an outing, and talks about “Oscar,” who is contentedly feeding out back. Oscar will be eight on July 19 and has been with the Mounted Unit about four years. He appears at Browns’ games and downtown. Because Oscar is relatively young, he can be sneaky by nosing around behind your back. Oscar is from Millersburg/Amish country; a Belgian/Quarter cross.
Sergeant Medwid emphasizes what great ambassadors the horses are for the Cleveland Police. Their appeal transcends all ages, races, and economic levels. Many people have their earliest encounter with police officers in the form of the Mounted Unit – a lifelong positive memory.