With help from the kids at the center and Officers from the First District, the machines are unloaded.
The Cleveland Police Foundation along with Captain Keith Sulzer found a much needed home for some donated weight machines. The machines were donated by Julio Santiago of DBA Santiago Brothers Trucking & Demolition, and were delivered to Cudell Recreation by members of All Scrap Salvage. The machines were then unloaded at Cudell and placed in the gym by staff from Cudell, Captain Sulzer, First District Officers, and some of the kids using the gym. I asked one of these kids assisting, Calvin McPherson, how he felt about Cudell receiving this equipment and he stated “Thank you to The Cleveland Police Foundation for giving us this equipment and I can’t wait to try it out. It truly was a win win situation for not only the kids who will enjoy this equipment for years to come, but also The Cleveland Police Foundation that got to play a big part in this successful endeavor. A big thanks goes to Julio Santiago for the donation, Captain Sulzer for coordinating this effort, U Haul Co, All Scrap Salvage, Ron Fields, Cudell Center Manager, and all the volunteers that helped to get this job done.