CPF Police Officer of the Month Award Recipients
2021 CPF Police Officer of the Month Award Recipients
Recipients will receive a personal plaque in recognition of their good deeds, and perpetual plaques will be displayed at Cleveland Police Headquarters, the offices of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, and the Fraternal Order of Police Cleveland Lodge 8 where they will serve as an inspiration to others.
December Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer John Halkiadakis
Patrol Officer John Halkiadakis of the Cleveland Division of Police Second District recently showed by his actions that he is always ready to serve his community whether he is on duty or not!
Recently while off-duty at his home, P.O. Halkiadakis was summoned to assist his good friend and neighbor who was obviously having a heart attack. The officer immediately responded to render aid. Without hesitation, Halkiadakis performed what was later determined to be lifesaving CPR on his neighbor until Cleveland EMS could arrive. The neighbor has since recovered and credits John for not only being a good friend but also for saving his life.
Lieutenant John Farnsworth of the CPD Second District stated for this article that, “P.O. Halkiadakis works every day to make a positive impact in his community as a police officer. He applied the training he had received in CPR and first aid and made an impact close to home as well. This selfless act is indicative of his positive nature whether he is on or off duty.”
It is because of his dedication to the community he serves and the lifesaving efforts he performed on his neighbor that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officer John Halkiadakis its Police Officer of the Month for December 2021.
November Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Donna Brown
Community Relations Officer Donna Brown has a real and genuine liking for the community and does all she can to enrich the communication between the officers and civilians!
PO Brown is attentive to the requests of various groups regarding crime prevention topics and presentations. When asked about Officer Brown’s work ethics, her immediate supervisor Sergeant Tim Higgins stated, “Officer Donna Brown has taken exceptional ownership of meeting with several senior groups within the First District and her presentations have been well received. Officer Brown has acted as a liaison with many other Specialized Units providing them the opportunity to engage with members of the First District Community either at community meetings, senior living facilities, or the Westpark YMCA.” Also commenting on Officer Brown’s accomplishments was Patrol Officer Renee Collins who stated, “Officer Donna Brown loves to organize and work to gain compliance from our different units so they attend the Citizens Police Academy which she is in charge of. Sometimes she provides her own money to buy items needed to run the academy and works well with the participants.”
It is because of her dedication to the community and her profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officer Donna Brown its Police Officer of the Month for November 2021.
October Police Officer of the Month
Detective T.J. Powell
Cleveland Homicide Detective T.J. Powell recently decided to give back to his childhood neighborhood and community!
On his own, Detective Powell purchased and gave away one hundred backpacks to the neighborhood kids with miscellaneous school supplies and hand sanitizers. This kind gesture was well received by the children and this event, among others that the detective has participated in was a total success!
When notified that Detective Powell was a candidate for the Police Officer of the Month, now-retired CPD Captain Keith Sulzer stated “Detective T.J. Powell is a terrific father, cop, and mentor to many kids in the community. I’ve participated in several different events with T.J. at St. Francis. Detective Powell even went so far as walking a mile in high heels with me at a fundraiser against domestic violence for the Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.”
It is because of his dedication and devotion to his community that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Detective T.J. Powell its Police Officer of the Month for October 2021.
Nominated by Cleveland Police Foundation Executive Director Richard DeChant
September Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Jim Thomas
Patrol Officer Jim (JT) Thomas is surely “the apple that did not fall far from the tree!”
Jim’s father, retired CPD Officer John Thomas, was the epitome of Community Policing and an officer committed to community involvement. Jim has carried on that tradition, volunteering many times to help with community events while off-duty, and pitching in financially to help community members.
When asked about Officer Thomas’ dedication to his profession, retired CPD Captain Keith Sulzer stated, “In addition to his workload on duty, Jim has volunteered to come out twice a month and do yard work at the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Officer Derek Owens’ Memorial Park located at 10404 Parkview. His commitment to the community and CPD surely gives me hope for the future.”
It is because of this commitment to the community and his profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officer Jim Thomas its Police Officer of the Month for September 2021.
AUGUST Police Officer of the Month
Lieutenant Marcus Montanaro
Lieutenant Marcus Montanaro of the Cleveland Police Fifth District is very active in the community he serves!
Lieutenant Montanaro promotes the Community Policing concept on a daily basis and has been a staunch supporter of the Cleveland Police Athletic League for many years. He assists at the Children’s Holiday Party by delivering gifts to disadvantaged youngsters and attends the Cops for Kids fishing events to ensure the children enjoy their special day. The lieutenant has also made it his personal mission to build up the district gym so that the officers have the equipment to help keep them healthy and fit.
When asked about Lieutenant Montanaro. PAL Executive Director Bob Kumazec stated, “Although he prefers to work behind the scenes out of the limelight, he is most deserving to be recognized for his compassion and service to others. I’d like to thank Lieutenant Montanaro personally for his willingness to assist us with the PAL mission and for being such a good friend throughout the years.”
It is because of this compassion and service to others in the community that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Lieutenant Marcus Montanaro its Police Officer of the Month for August 2021.
July Police Officer of the Month
Community Engagement Officers Davonte Congress and Aarius Waters
Fifth District Community Engagement Officers Davonte Congress and Aarius Waters are advocates for community-police relations and continually address the needs of both the youth and elderly of their district.
Reaching beyond the basic complaints from the members of the community, they make it their personal mission to connect these citizens with the vital city services and other resources they need. Additionally, they perform relentlessly to follow up and ensure the safety, health and well-being of these vulnerable individuals. The CEOs also attend countless meetings but still make time for the local youth. The officers visit and interact with these young people who may be from time to time troubled, and leave a positive impact on this occasionally forgotten segment of our community.
When asked about these outstanding officers, District 5 Administrative Lieutenant Marcus Montanaro stated, “These officers are always there when needed and I would be honored if we could reward them with the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Police Officer of the Month Award for what they do without being instructed and without looking for recognition. I also refer to a quote from J.C. Watts that applies to these officers which says, “Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking.”
It is because of their devotion and dedication and to the community that they serve that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Fifth District Community Engagement Officers Davonte Congress and Aarius Waters as its Police Officers of the Month for July 2021.
June Police Officer of the Month
Sergeant Joe O’Neill and Patrol Officer Scott Sieger
Sergeant Joe O’Neill and Patrol Officer Scott Sieger of the Cleveland Division of Police Mounted Unit recently showed a caring and compassionate side of themselves!
The officers were notified by radio dispatch about a missing pony named French Fry. The day before, French Fry was giving rides to children in Kerruish Park on Cleveland’s east side. Then a loud four-wheeler zoomed through the park, spooking French Fry who ran into a wooded area and could not be found!
Sergeant O’Neill and PO Sieger, along with their horses Chex and Jim, went to the park and searched for two hours. These dedicated officers located French Fry, apparently in good health and reunited the pony with its grateful owner!
When asked about this incident, Sergeant O’ Neill stated, “We feel fortunate we were able to locate French Fry–and in good health because during our search we did come across a coyote in the area which could have attacked the small horse and the results could have been different.”
It is because of their dedication to their profession and the community they serve that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Sergeant Joseph O’Neill and Patrol Officer Scott Sieger of the Cleveland Police Mounted Unit as its Police Officers of the Month for June 2021.
This story reflects the actions of the majority of our police. “We rarely get to witness the caring and compassionate side of our officers only because they don’t get the positive media coverage all the time.”
Submitted by Bob Guttu, CPF Community Partnership Coordinator
May Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Anthony Lee
Patrol Officer Anthony Lee is a conscientious and dedicated individual who cares about the community he serves and has a special place in his heart for children!
Officer Lee has created the “Cops & Clippers” program that provides disadvantaged youth in the First District with a free haircut. The program works as follows: an officer or individual donates or purchases a ticket for $10.00 which is then handed out to a neighborhood youth. This of course is an excellent way not only for our officers to engage with the young people in the community, but also to help make them feel confident about their appearance.
When asked about this new concept, former First District Commander and now Deputy Chief Daniel Fay stated “The ‘Cops & Clippers’ program is a great opportunity for officers to engage with the young people in our community, and to build positive relationships between the police and the citizens we serve.”
Officer Lee is very pleased that other officers have stepped up and accepted a role in this endeavor and he hopes to expand the “Cops & Clippers” program throughout the city of Cleveland.
It is because of his dedication to the youth in the community and his overall devotion to his profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officer Anthony Lee as its Police Officer of the Month for May 2021.
April Police Officer of the Month
Detective Thomas Barnes
Detective Thomas Barnes of the Cleveland Division of Police Intelligence Unit has spent twenty years in a career he can be extremely proud of!
Before being assigned to the Intelligence Unit, the detective volunteered two days a week at the downtown soup kitchens feeding the homeless. On one occasion, he literally gave a homeless person the coat off his back.
During his CPD career, Barnes was responsible for 1,650 drug arrests. For those arrested, the detective would suggest leniency for the drug users who completed the treatment class prior to going to court, but no deals were made for the drug dealers themselves. It should also be noted that during his career, Detective Barnes was a three-time medal winner including the Cleveland Division of Police Medal of Honor, and there has never been a complaint lodged against him.
What makes this award extra special is that in October of 2020 Detective Barnes’ daughter, Brooklyn was named Police Officer of the Month by the Cleveland Police Foundation. Obviously, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!
When asked about her dad, Patrol Officer Brooklyn Barnes stated “My father is truly the BEST policeman I’ve ever known and I hope to be half the policeman he is one day.”
It is because of his compassion and dedication to his profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Detective Thomas Barnes as its Police Officer of the Month for April 2021.
March Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officers Molly Madaras and Corey Rose
Two outstanding officers from the Second District are true Heroes in Blue!
Patrol Officers Molly Madaras and Corey Rose responded to a fire that had fully engulfed a home on West 47th Street this past January. Also responding was Ohio State Trooper Hiram Morales.

Ohio State Trooper Hiram Morales
When notified by a neighbor that there were people inside, the officers entered without hesitation. Once inside, they encountered a male in a wheelchair and carried him out in that wheelchair. They returned to the home after learning there was a female inside, located her, and assisted her out also. The two rescued citizens were guided to a safe area away from the fire at which time neighbors came to their aid, providing blankets for both of them.
When asked about the actions of these patrol officers, Second District Commander Tom Stacho stated, “These officers ran into a burning building without regard to their personal safety and risked their lives to save the lives of two citizens who, because of physical limitations, were unable to escape the raging fire inside their home. Their heroic actions are especially noteworthy and deserving of this recognition.”
It is because of their dedication and devotion to their profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officers Molly Madaras and Corey Rose as its Police Officers of the Month for March 2021.
(Special note): Thank you to Commander Tom Stacho and Lieutenant Tim Maffo-Judd for this nomination!
February Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officers James Grotenrath, James Lally, Brandon Melbar, Christopher Musson, Ashley Santa, and Mason Sedlak
The words “Good will towards men” are often heard during the Christmas season. On this past Christmas Eve, six Cleveland Patrol Officers from the Fourth District expressed their goodwill!
These six Heroes in Blue, Patrol Officers James Grotenrath, James Lally, Brandon Melbar, Christopher Musson, Ashley Santa, and Mason Sedlak responded to a call received from an elderly male. This man lives alone and had been snowed into his home from the recent snowstorm.
Despite this not being a typical police call, the officers went to the man’s home and brought snow shovels with them. During brutal weather conditions, they proceeded to shovel the citizen’s driveway, walkway, and the steps to his front porch. They finished the job by completely salting the driveway and walkway and informed the grateful resident it was now safe to leave the house.
When asked about this Christmas gift provided by these officers, Fourth District Sergeant Barry Bentley stated, “These are very special officers that were proud to do a good deed for a good person and remained in good spirits while doing so.”
It is because of their unselfish actions to assist a needy individual from the community that they serve that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officers James Grotenrath, James Lally, Brandon Melbar, Christopher Musson, Ashley Santa, and Mason Sedlak as its Police Officers of the Month for February 2021.
(Special note): Thank you to Fourth District Commander Brandon Kutz for this nomination!
January Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Tony Harper
For over 24 years, Patrol Officer Tony Harper has been with the Cleveland Division of Police and has served in the Community Policing Unit. During that time, PO Harper was involved in many community and child-related programs. They include D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training), R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense), the Law Enforcement Explorers Program, and the Cleveland Police Athletic League (P.A.L.).
Officer Harper has been a big part of the Cleveland P.A.L. program for over 18 years, volunteering hundreds of hours of his own time in addition to his regular work hours. Much to the enjoyment of the youngsters, the officer could also be found playing music as a professional DJ, appearing around town throughout the year and at Camp George Forbes in Highland Hills (a recreational activity site run by the City of Cleveland).
When asked about Officer Harper’s involvement in the P.A.L. program, Executive Director Bob Kumazec stated “Tony epitomizes what it means to be a police officer dedicated to his community. He has helped countless families and youngsters during his career in many different ways and in many different roles.”
It is because of his dedication to the community he serves that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud to name Patrol Officer Tony Harper its Police Officer of the Month for January 2021.