April 23 & 24, 2018: Enforcement for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Seminar

This free training will help officers know how to better enforce laws to prevent bicycle and pedestrian injuries.

2017 Bike Safety Participants

2017 Bike Safety Participants

As a component of the law enforcement training program, Bike Cleveland is hosting a two-day Enforcement for Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety course taught by Peter Flucke of WE BIKE. In the training, officers will learn the what, where, when, how, who and why of walking and bicycling; components of the Highway Safety Triangle; pedestrian and bicycle environment audits; how pedestrian and bicycle crashes happen; pedestrian and bicycle laws; crash investigating and reporting; potential law enforcement partners; and more. This course is appropriate for all law enforcement officers. Training details are below:

Bike Cleveland logoEnforcement for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Seminar

Date: Monday, April 23rd – Tuesday, April 24th
Time: 8:30am-4:30pm
Cost: FREE, instructor and materials paid for by Bike Cleveland.
Place: Cleveland Metroparks Ranger Training Center (9485 Eastland Rd., Strongsville, OH 44194)
Registration Deadline: April 6th, 2018.

You are required to attend both days of the training.

Information and Registration

Video: “Enforcing Laws for Bicyclists”


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