All children can be taught how to avoid trouble, how to spot trouble, and what to do if trouble happens to them. Not enough kids know these things. Safety and crime prevention should be a family effort. It’s your job to teach kids how to be safe. Make sure your children learn and follow these basic rules when you’re not around:
1) Never accept rides, candy, gifts, money or medicine from a stranger.
2) Never get close to a car if a stranger calls out to you for directions or anything else
3) Strangers can be tricky- they can ask the child to go with them to show them something, or to help them find a lost dog or cat.
4) Never give your name or address to a stranger.
5) Never tell callers that you’re home alone. Say mom dad can’t come to the phone, and will call back.
6) Never open the door to anyone you don’t know.
7) Always avoid strangers who are hanging around restrooms or playgrounds and want to play with you or your friends.
8) If a stranger in a car bothers you, turn and run in the opposite direction.
9) If a stranger tries to follow you on foot or tries to grab you, run away, scream and make lots of noise.
10) If you’re ever in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, you have the right to say NO, loud and clear.

(continued next week)