Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins pose with his plaque presented by The Cleveland Police Foundation for Outstanding Police Officer.
On Thursday, November 6, 2014 the First District Police Community Relations Committee held its annual awards banquet at the Knights of Columbus Hall on W. 130th Street & Lorain Avenue.
Outside, the weather was rainy and gloomy, but inside the hall was a festive atmosphere as citizens from the West Side district joined together to honor police officers and citizens who make significant contributions in their community.
First District Commander Tom McCartney welcomed the attendees, which included Mayor Frank Jackson, Safety Director Mike McGrath, Chief Calvin Williams, other city officials and scores of residents. Also attending were Cleveland Police Foundation Secretary Jim Craciun and Community Outreach Coordinator Bob Guttu, who were there to bestow the CPF’s Neighborhood Community Service Awards.

A very special young lady named Destiny Rice displays her Cleveland Police Foundation’s Outstanding Individual Community Service Award.
The CPF annually recognizes a police officer, a citizen, and an organization in each of the City’s five neighborhood police districts who significantly contribute to the community and making our neighborhoods safer. The awards were presented to PO Henry Adkins, Destiny Rice and the organization Mothers Run this Town. “Their efforts makes our community a better place to live and warrants recognition,” said CPF board member Jim Craciun.
During the presentations Bob Guttu stated, “It’s an honor to recognize those who go above and beyond the call of duty in giving back to our City’s neighborhoods.”
After the presentations, everyone enjoyed a delicious meal and the friendship of the evening.
Special thanks to the First District Community Relations Committee members who hosted the event that was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
- Longtime First District residents Margot Evans, Jim Craciun and Murray Evans renew an old friendship at The Annual First District Police/Community Relations Award Ceremony.
- Bob Shores from the Second District Community Relations Committee and Cleveland Police Foundation Treasurer Jim Craciun discuss the evening’s event.
- Accepting The Cleveland Police Foundation’s Community Service Award for Outstanding Organization, and representing Mothers Run This Town were, from left to right, Margaret Zayas, Jill Tanzer, Kristen Gaba, and Adrianne Bailey.