Police K9 handlers not only feed and care for their dogs, but are required to practice daily exercises and need professional training. Cleveland has recently given property to the K9 Unit, which can use donations to purchase materials needed for the training facility and upkeep.

Dear Friend and Donor,
The Cleveland Police K9 Unit was created in the spring of 1989 when 14 officers were selected to become members of Cleveland’s first K9 Unit. Today, K9 officers are chosen based on their willingness to make a special commitment to the training, and daily care of a Police K9 and by welcoming the dog into their home to live. A Police K9 handler must not only feed and care for their dog, but they are required to practice daily exercises so that their dog will be well prepared at all times to meet any challenge which the team may be called upon to perform.
The K9 handler learns specific signals and verbal commands so the K9 understands not only what it is looking for during a search but how to signal its handler once the evidence or person has been found. The officer and K9 form a deep bond of communication and respect for one another while at work and at home.
The role of Cleveland’s Police K9 Unit is:
Community Relations
Evidence Location
Explosive Detection
Narcotics Detection
Officer & Citizen Safety
Tracking and Apprehensions

Currently, the Cleveland Police K9 Unit does not have a training facility. As a result of this, handlers and their K9s train in local parks, empty buildings and sporadically go to Excel K-9 in Hiram, Ohio. This is not an ideal situation – not only does it take them out of the city they serve, but it also limits the amount of time they can spend training. To combat this, the Cleveland Police K9 Unit wants to build and maintain a training area within the City of Cleveland.
At this time, the City of Cleveland has given property to the K9 Unit within the perimeter of Cleveland Hopkins to build a training facility. The K9 Unit is asking for donations to assist them in purchasing the materials needed for the training facility as well as the upkeep of this area.
The Cleveland Police K9 Unit is looking for support in raising $20,000 to purchase the following:
2 K9 A-Frames $1,100
2 K9 Board Wall Jump $500
2 K9 Car Door Jup $600
1 K9 Catwalk $900
3 K9 Dog Crawl $1,500
1 K9 Platform Climb $900
3 K9 Wall Hurdle $1,900
2 Bike Suits $3,600
Building supplies, as needed $1,000
Upkeep and maintenance $3,000
2 K9 Adjustable Teeter $350
1 K9 Brick Wall Hurdle $300
K9 Catch A-Frame $900
2 K9 Chain Link Hurdle $400
1 K9 Dog Walk B $750
2 K9 Window Hurdle $600
3 K9 Picket Fence Hurdle $700
Rubber Mulch $1,000
We appreciate your time and consideration in assisting us in making this exciting opportunity become a reality!
The Cleveland Police K9 Unit
Questions? Please contact James Dunn (216-212-8282) or Sergeant Brian Allan (440-479-4419)

How to Donate
Donors need to specify K9 on their check or online. Please send checks to:
The Cleveland Police Foundation
2301 Payne Ave., Suite 201
Cleveland, OH 44114
You can alternately make a donation online via our donation form. Please be sure to specify “K9” in the comment field:
The Cleveland Police Foundation is the official charity for the Cleveland Division of Police and the only organization authorized to solicit charitable contributions on its behalf.
We provide funding for youth and community outreach programs, community policing and engagement initiatives, safety & crime prevention programs, and support the members of the Cleveland Division of Police to help them better perform their duties. Contributions to the CPF are tax deductible under section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS Code.
Thank you for supporting the mission of the CPF.