CPF Police Officer of the Month Award Recipients
2023 CPF Police Officer of the Month Award Recipients
Recipients will receive a personal plaque in recognition of their good deeds, and perpetual plaques will be displayed at Cleveland Police Headquarters, the offices of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, and the Fraternal Order of Police Cleveland Lodge 8 where they will serve as an inspiration to others.
December Police Officer of the Month
Officers Ismail Quran and Theresa Tobin
This month’s Police Officers of the Month are Officers Ismail Quran and Theresa Tobin and their dedication to service is an excellent example of the pride they have in their job, and the core values of the department.
I reached out to Fifth District Lieutenant Chris Haist, who nominated these officers and he stated, “These two officers worked endless hours on this case and were responsible for arresting 13 juvenile suspects wanted for a variety of crimes. These crimes include but are not limited to Homicide, Felonious Assault, Receiving Stolen Property and weapons charges for several guns that were recovered.
“After working a double shift and being offered relief, they both indicated that they wanted to see the arrest through, and stayed until the juveniles were at the Detention Center. They both did an outstanding job, getting these violent juveniles off the street, and making the city safer for residents.”
It is because of their dedication and devotion to their job and the City of Cleveland that the Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to name Officer Ismail Quran and Theresa Tobin our Police Officers of the Month for December 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, Cleveland Police Foundation
Nominated by Fifth District Lieutenant Chris Haist
November Police Officer of the Month
Sgt. Steve Kinas, Patrol Officer Jeff Simko and Patrol Officer Steve Salim

Patrol Officers Jeff Simko (Left) and Steve Salim (Right). Sergeant Steve Kinas was unavailable
It has always been said that within all police departments there is a feeling of brotherhood among officers and CPD is no exception as proven by our three Police Officers of the Month, Sgt. Steve Kinas, Patrol Officer Jeff Simko and Patrol Officer Steve Salim.
I reached out to Third District Captain Tom Maffo-Judd who nominated these officers and he stated, “In the late fall a CPD detective was seriously hurt in an off-duty accident. After a long period of time in the hospital the detective was released and sent home in a wheelchair with a long recovery process. The detective’s home was not equipped for wheelchair access. Knowing this, and using their carpentry/ contracting skills, these officers purchased supplies and built a ramp outside of their colleague’s home.”
It is because of their caring for a fellow officer in need that the Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to name Sgt. Steve Kinas, Patrol Officer Jeff Simko and Patrol Officer Steve Salim our Police Officers of the Month for November 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, Cleveland Police Foundation
Nominated by Third District Captain Tom Maffo-Judd
October Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Tiona Jones
The Cleveland Police Foundation’s October 2023 Police Officer of the Month is Patrol Officer Tiona Jones and for the write- up on this very special recipient I went straight to First District Commander Jarod Schlacht who knows her best.
Commander Schlacht stated, “Officer Tiona Jones is one of the most personable, professional and dedicated officers in the division. Several times a month we are receiving calls from our city’s residents confirming how compassionate Officer Jones is. Officer Jones always goes above and beyond to ensure the great citizens of Cleveland receive the best service she can provide.
“A good example of this: one day Officer Jones and her partner responded to a call for a man who had passed away. Officer Jones stayed with the man’s wife the entire time, providing comfort and guidance. After the man was removed from the home, Tiona ensured the wife had somebody with her before continuing on with her shift.
“Officer Tiona Jones is not only just a great officer, she is an amazing person. Thank you Tiona for always representing the Division of Police core values: Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dedication and Excellence.”
It is because of her dedication and devotion to the community she serves that the Cleveland Police Foundation is indeed honored to name Patrol Officer Tiona Jones our Police Officer of the Month for October 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, Cleveland Police Foundation
Nominated by First District Commander Jarod Schlacht
September Police Officer of the Month
Sgt. Andrew Thomas and Officer Jessica Wolski
In the early morning of September 4, 2023 a suspected intoxicated driver drove a truck into an apartment building where a young boy ( Lorenzo ) was sleeping in his bed. With Lorenzo trapped underneath the hot engine of the truck, responding officers and firefighters diligently worked to rescue him while other officers arrested the driver who had fled the scene.
Lorenzo suffered third degree burns over a quarter of his body and has been in the hospital recovering since the incident. Sgt. Andrew Thomas and Patrol Officer Jessica Wolski were among the safety forces who responded to the crash and in the aftermath, upon recognizing the gravity of the families situation, arranged a visit with Lorenzo and his mother.
Sgt. Thomas and Officer Wolski then initiated a campaign for donations for the family and bought Lorenzo toys including his favorite characters from Minecraft and Spiderman, and replaced a Nintendo Switch that was destroyed in the crash. Sgt. Thomas also reached out to Onix Outreach who along with a private individual donated new home furnishings to replace items that were destroyed. This included three new beds and three dressers that will be delivered to the family once they find a new home.
It should be noted that the Cleveland Police Foundation also donated to the family for any expenses they may incur. It is because of their caring for individuals in their time of need and diligence to duty that the Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to name Sgt. Andrew Thomas and Officer Jessica Wolski our Police Officers of the Month for September 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, CPF
August Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officers Theresa Tobin, Bryan Myers, and Gregory Barnett

Above: Patrol Officers Theresa Tobin and Gregory Barnett. Patrol Officer Bryan Myers’ picture not available at time of publication.
The officers assigned to Basic Patrol play a crucial role as the first responders to every incident. Their handling of each assignment significantly affects the lives of those requesting their help. This responsibility was highlighted when Third District Patrol Officers Theresa Tobin, Bryan Myers, and Gregory Barnett responded to a call regarding juveniles breaking into a home.
Upon their arrival, they observed an open door and discovered six young children inside, ranging in age from 5 months to 11 years old (2 boys and 4 girls). The children informed the officers that their mother had gone to the store to get food. The living conditions were dire, with only one mattress available and the house in significant disarray.
The mother returned shortly after the officers arrived and shared her struggles with supporting her children, mentioning that she had even called the 696-kids hotline for assistance. The officers learned about the passing of the children’s father in prison and the recent loss of their grandmother. The mother also disclosed her challenges in finding employment due to childcare issues, and the officers noted the scarcity of furniture and food in the home.
Moved by the family’s situation, all three officers immediately contributed $100.00 of their own money. One officer went to the store to purchase food for the family, and others, who had children of their own, planned on bringing items they no longer used to follow up with the family.
Captain Tim Maffo-Judd, who nominated these officers, stated, “Commander Tucker and I are proud to have these officers in the Third District; they truly make a difference.” Their compassionate and devoted response has rightfully earned Patrol Officers Theresa Tobin, Bryan Myers, and Gregory Barnett the recognition as the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Police Officers of the Month for August 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, CPF
(Nominated by Third District Captain Tim Maffo- Judd)
July Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Hunter Goon
This past July, Patrol Officer Hunter Goon was working by himself when he was flagged down by a DoorDash driver who was accompanied by his young daughter. Officer Goon learned from the driver that his daughter was very upset over the passing away of her small kitten the day before, and he invited her to sit in the front seat of his police car.
He let her play with the strobe lights and hung out with her for quite some time which eventually brought a smile to her face. Even though he cheered her up considerably during his time with her, he was determined to do something more. A lot more.
Officer Goon learned where the daughter lived before he continued his shift and he went to the City Kennel the next day and purchased a brand new kitten. He then stopped by the little girl’s home and surprised her with this bundle of joy, bringing a huge smile to the face of this little child.
I contacted Officer Goon’s immediate supervisor, Sgt. Eric Newton, who stated, ” Patrol Officer Goon’s act of kindness seemed like no big deal, according to him. However, the gesture had a huge impact on this little girl, and the smile on her face said it all. It is also an honor to nominate him for a Chief’s Letter.”
It is because of his compassion and caring that the Cleveland Police Foundation is indeed proud and honored to name Patrol Officer Hunter Goon our Police Officer of the Month for July 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, CPF
(Nominated by Third District Sgt. Eric Newton and Third District Captain Tim Maffo- Judd)
June Police Officer of the Month
Homicide Detectives Mike Legg, Steve Loomis, T.J. Powell and Chuck Schultz
The definition of the word “compassion” according to Webster’s Dictionary is the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. This past May, compassion was never more evident when four of CPD’s Homicide Detectives, Mike Legg, Steve Loomis, T.J. Powell and Chuck Schultz responded to an assignment on the city’s east side where a group of children lost a one month old sibling due to a child fatality. These officers went way beyond the call of duty to spend time and interact with these kids at a difficult time in their lives showing the true compassion they felt in their hearts.
I contacted the officer’s immediate supervisor, Sgt. Joe Rini, who stated, ” These detectives are consummate professionals who sacrifice so much of their own time in order to provide victims’ families with peace and closure. They are always willing to go above and beyond to comfort family members at the worst time of their lives.” It is because of their never-ending compassion and caring for others who have experienced unforgettable tragedy in their lives, that the Cleveland Police Foundation is indeed proud and honored to name Homicide Detectives Mike Legg, Steve Loomis, T.J. Powell and Chuck Schultz our Police Officers of the Month for June 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, CPF
(Nominated by Homicide Sgt. Joe Rini)
May Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officers Mariah Rodriguez and Cody Ratliff
The duties of a Cleveland Police Department (CPD) officer often entail responding to heartbreaking crimes. This grim reality was deeply felt by Patrol Officers Mariah Rodriguez and Cody Ratliff, May’s Police Officers of the Month.
Rodriguez and Ratliff found themselves at the scene of a horrifying incident in which a suspect tragically murdered his own family members and severely injured his young niece. The brutality of this crime had a profound effect on the officers, inspiring them to take steps beyond their official duties to help the young survivor.
In the days following the incident, Rodriguez and Ratliff decided they wanted to do something special for the young girl. They reached out to her family and, with their permission and the approval of the Cleveland Clinic, organized a surprise visit from a non-profit organization, Princesses Against Cancer.
The officers’ initiative and collaboration with the organization enabled the young girl to experience a magical visit, transforming her into a princess for the day. She enjoyed having her nails painted, coloring pictures, and sharing plenty of smiles with Princesses Anna and Elsa.
When asked about Officers Rodriguez and Ratliff, their immediate supervisor, Sgt. Freddy Diaz, said, “They are outstanding officers, compassionate and professional, and are a great example of what Cleveland Police Officers represent.”
The extraordinary compassion and dedication demonstrated by Officers Rodriguez and Ratliff made a significant difference to a young girl in a difficult time. The Cleveland Police Foundation is honored to name these heroes in blue as the Police Officers of the Month for May 2023.
– Bob Guttu, CPF
(Nominated by Sergeant Freddy Diaz)
April Police Officer of the Month
Sergeant Patty Katynski and Patrol Officer James Bellomy
The desire to help others is a common thread that binds many police officers, often being the underlying reason behind their career choice. An incident that recently unfolded on I-90 serves as a prime example of this principle in action.
Chris Haire, Director of Operations for North Coast Services, was busy clearing the scene from a rollover crash when he experienced a sudden medical emergency. Grasping the gravity of his situation, Haire swiftly contacted Sergeant Pat Katynski, communicating his distress and urgent need for assistance.
Without missing a beat, Sergeant Katynski radioed for backup and medical support. Patrol Officer James Bellomy was the first on the scene, promptly assisting in getting Chris Haire transported to Metro Main for critical medical care.
Reflecting on the incident, Haire expressed, “It was awesome to see how the roles were reversed that day. We are always there to help keep officers safe on the highway, and that day these two officers were there to save my life on the highway.” He added, “I truly believe these two officers saved my life and my friends, family, and myself will forever be grateful for their service that day and every day they put on that uniform.”
In recognition of their unswerving devotion to their profession and their compassion for individuals in need, the Cleveland Police Foundation is immensely proud to name Sergeant Patty Katynski and Patrol Officer James Bellomy as our Police Officers of the Month for April 2023.
– Bob Guttu, CPF
(Nominated by Retired CPD Captain Keith Sulzer)
March Police Officer of the Month
Officers Andreaa Renshaw, Angelia Gaston, Daniel Angelo, Michael Phelps, Davonte Congress, Aarius Waters, and Captain Tim Maffo-Judd

Top row: Officer Angelia Gaston, Captain Tim Maffo-Judd, Officers Daniel Angelo and Davonte Congress Bottom row: Officers Aarius Waters and Andreaa Renshaw (Officer Michael Phelps was off with an injury)
Last November, a family in the Fifth District faced devastation when their house and motor vehicle were destroyed by a fire. With the holidays fast approaching, the situation seemed even more dire. Officer Andreaa Renshaw discussed the situation with fellow officers, and Officer Angelia Gaston, though on light duty, quickly sprang into action. She reached out to no less than six community organizations and Fifth District Captain Tim Maffo-Judd to obtain further assistance.
Within days, Officers Daniel Angelo, Michael Phelps, Davonte Congress, and Aarius Waters joined the effort. They assisted with food, furnishings, miscellaneous supplies, and raised approximately $5,000 for the appreciative family. Fifth District Administrative Lieutenant Marcus Montanaro praised their actions, stating, “These officers continued to check on the family periodically and provided food, services, and presents throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. This may seem like a lot, however, upon speaking to the officers, the only regret was that they wished they could have done more.”
He continued, “The Cleveland Police 5th District Officers did not need to be instructed on what to do as they were driven by genuine compassion. They handled the situation in a manner that reflects the true qualities and values of our Cleveland Police Department.” It is because of their compassion for a family in need that the Cleveland Police Foundation is proud and honored to name Officers Andreaa Renshaw, Angelia Gaston, Daniel Angelo, Michael Phelps, Davonte Congress, Aarius Waters, and Captain Tim Maffo-Judd our Police Officers of the Month for March 2023.
– Bob Guttu, CPF
(Nominated by Lt. Marcus Montanaro)
February Police Officer of the Month
Cleveland Police SWAT Team
From the first day of the Police Academy, a recruit is taught to always be there for your fellow officers and watch out for each other. No one knows this more than the Cleveland Police SWAT Team, who has been nominated for the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Police Officers of the Month by Third District Captain Tim Maffo-Judd. The following are his own words as to why he made this nomination.
“On June 5, 2020, Officer Jonathan Rodriguez, a member of the Cleveland Police SWAT Team, was hurt on duty and paralyzed by a drunk driver while responding to a SWAT call out. In the years to follow, on September 24, 2022, his brothers in the SWAT Unit proved what being a team is all about. They proved the thin blue line is more than a motto but rather a mindset and at times very tangible.
After John’s accident, the members of the Cleveland Police SWAT Team realized the need to assist John and his family with their new lifestyle. In order to make John more comfortable, his home would need to be altered to allow wheelchair access and assisted living. In addition, John would need funding for surgery which was not covered by insurance. The members of the SWAT Team moved forward, hosting a fundraising event raising more than $165,000 for John and his family.
The members of his unit saw this effort as nothing more than what they were supposed to do for their teammate. Moreover, this is an example of the kind of person and officer John Rodriguez is. The actions and assistance of the members of the SWAT Unit to help an injured brother are a direct reflection of Officer Rodriguez’s humor, compassion, and dedication to law enforcement, his family, and his team.
For these reasons, the Cleveland Police SWAT Team and Officer Rodriguez are a perfect example of the thin blue line and meet the standards of the mission of the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Officer(s) of the Month Award.”
It is because of their compassion and love for a fellow team member and brother that the Cleveland Police Foundation is indeed honored to name the members of the Cleveland Police SWAT Team our Police Officers of the Month for February 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, Cleveland Police Foundation
Nominated by Captain Tim Maffo-Judd
January Police Officer of the Month
Patrol Officer Raymond Francel
Officer Raymond Francel has been named the Cleveland Police Foundation’s Police Officer of the Month for January/2023. It is our first time this honor is being awarded posthumously. Officer Francel was nominated by Fourth District Administrative Sergeant Ray O’ Connor, who was a good friend of his. The following is his testimonial to this outstanding officer:
“Officer Ray Francel was one of those people who if you were lucky enough to meet him, you never forgot him. Even if you only met him once, I bet you’d consider him a friend. Ray started his law enforcement career in 1993 as a member of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority Police Department. From 1993 to 1996, Ray was regarded by his peers and coworkers as a smart, aggressive, and innovative officer who along with his partners racked up hundreds of felony drug arrests in just three short years.
“On April 8, 1996 Ray joined the ranks of the Cleveland Police Department. After attending the police academy ,Ray was assigned to the busy Fourth District. Ray went on to serve the citizens of Cleveland for over 27 years, most recently with the Airport Unit. There was something else about Ray that made him truly special; his heart was as big as any ten men put together. Over the almost 30 years I knew Ray I watched him open the door to his home to countless people. If you needed a place to live, be it for a month or for years, Ray would welcome you with open arms, and he would make you feel like part of the family. If you needed anything else big or small, Ray was always there.
“While attending Ray’s wake I spoke to many people. Some were fellow officers, some were civilian friends of Ray, and others were people who worked in different areas within the airport. The one thing that all these people had in common were their stories about how Ray had touched their lives. For some of them that meant a roof over their head and a place to call home. For others, like myself, that meant being treated to a meal. People like Ray are rare; his loss hurt many of us all the way to the core. I watched as one of the strongest men I know was reduced to tears while speaking at his wake. This is how deeply Ray was loved. We all miss you, my friend. May you rest in peace.”
It is because of his dedication and devotion to both his fellow man and his profession that the Cleveland Police Foundation is indeed honored to name Patrol Officer Raymond Francel our Police Officer of the Month for January 2023.
~ Bob Guttu, Cleveland Police Foundation
Nominated by Fourth District Administrative Sergeant Ray O’Connor