Our heartfelt thanks go out to Target, especially the store located at 3100 W. 117th, for their unwavering support of the Cleveland Police First District and the local community. For several years now, this Target location, under the watchful eye of store manager Brandon, has generously hosted our annual “Shop with a Cop” event, going above and beyond to ensure that as many children as possible receive a Christmas gift.
In a recent instance of their continued kindness, Officers Coffey and Maletic were greeted with refreshments during their routine patrols at the store. We appreciate the constant support from Brandon and his team – it truly underscores the power of community partnerships. Thank you, Target!
The Cleveland Police Foundation is the official charity for the Cleveland Division of Police and the only organization authorized to solicit charitable contributions on its behalf.
We provide funding for youth and community outreach programs, community policing and engagement initiatives, safety & crime prevention programs, and support the members of the Cleveland Division of Police to help them better perform their duties. Contributions to the CPF are tax deductible under section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS Code.
Thank you for supporting the mission of the CPF.